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GHEC2020: South Africa and Africa goes Global!


The GHEC2020 is taking place next week from 9 to 13 November. It is an exciting and important event on the international homeschooling calender, and South Africa is part of it! It is different because it is an international conference, showcasing international leaders, researchers, speakers and policymakers.

The GHEX, the Global Home Education Exchange, brings the GHEC2020, which this year is offered virtually, at no cost. The GHEX is an international non-governmental organization, and it promotes home education globally. Meet the GHEX Board here: https://ghex.world/about/.

The programme is packed with talks, workshops and panel discussions around the clock. Besides the many international experts on homeschooling, a number of speakers from South Africa will also take part. See the facebook page of the Trust for more detail on the African speakers. Most of the speakers’ photos and bios have already been uploaded on the GHEC2020 website. See the speakers here: https://ghex-virtual-summit.heysummit.com/speakers/. See the schedule here: https://ghex-virtual-summit.heysummit.com/schedule/. You may filter the schedule by track, and you will notice that there is a special track for Africa.

Four workshops have been arranged for Africa by the Africa Regional Committee of the GHEX. Please register and book for these Africa Regional workshops – they all take place at 11:00 South Africa time. Let us support our region!

  • 10/11/2020 Political Engagement in the African context: A Practical Workshop
  • 11/11/2020 Home Education for ALL Families
  • 12/11/2020 Towards a Home Education Model for Africa
  • 13/11/2020 Home Education Alumni in the Adult World

So please take the time and register now for this FREE, exciting, once-in-a-lifetime online conference. Registration gives you access to all broadcasts and replays. Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to and be encouraged by international leaders and researchers, and support our Africa Regional Workshops, organized especially for and by homeschoolers in Africa.

Home Education: A Global Movement, A Global Solution
For leaders, policymakers and families.


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