HOPE for Families: 35 reasons for Home Education

Academic Reasons
1. Children can learn at their own pace.
2. They can study a wide variety of topics, and dig deeper into those that interest them.
3. Children can help create their own curriculum.
4. Younger children learn by watching older ones.
5. Parents can use real-life experiences to teach like how to budget for a holiday, etc. Learning can happen anytime, anywhere.
6. Children can discuss, explore and challenge thoughts and ideas without fear of ridicule.
7. Children grow into independent thinkers.
8. When they’re done with their work for the day, they’re done… no extra busy work or homework.
9. Children learn life skills – cooking, caring for others, etc. – all that it takes to run a home.
10. Creativity and imagination are nurtured and celebrated.
11. The student-to-teacher ratio is very low.
12. There are no pressure to medicate a child for ADHD.
13. Children with special needs get more individualised attention.
14. They are not compared to other kids their age.
15. Children can have their needs met – whatever they are.
16. Work is real, and done for mastery, not a grade.
17. Parents can grow their children to become lifelong learners.

Social and Emotional Reasons
18. Less peer pressure to deal with.
19. Fewer situations where kids are bullied.
20. Children have more time to play, on their own, exploring the environment or along with other children.
21. Exposure to children and adults of all ages and thus constantly learning to build relationships. Opportunity to socialise with diverse groups.
22. Children can be sheltered from unfortunate influences (like drugs) for longer, until they’re older and can handle these better.
23. Families really get to know each other, instead of spending the best part of the day apart, brothers, sisters, and parents get that time with each other, building and strengthening the most important relationships.
24. Parents can be the primary influences on their children. Especially dads in the lives of their sons.
25. Working consistently on a child’s work ethic and behaviour. Character training can happen all the time.
26. Children can relax and be themselves at home. There’s no need to conform to the masses.
27. Lessons can be infused with family values and beliefs.
28. Children are able to learn in a safe and supportive learning environment.

General Reasons
29. It is an affordable, quality educational option for many.
30. Children perform the same, and on average better on standardised tests compared to public school children.
31. Parents learn alongside their children.
32. Families are masters of their own schedule.
33. All aspects of the child’s personality can be developed.
34. It is the natural and fun way to learn. A child’s natural sense of wonder can be preserved.
35. Freedom for children to be a child, and parents to enjoy their parenting.
Home education is a legal educational option in South Africa. It is also the fastest growing form of education in the world. There are currently about 100,000 home learners in South Africa and 2.5 million in the USA. For more information on home education in South Africa, visit the following websites.
Getting started, how to join the homeschool community, and updates on the South African home education environment:
Home education consultant for individualized advice on home education for your family: