Home Events Small School Education With Confidence Pretoria 2019.10.25

Small School Education With Confidence Pretoria 2019.10.25


Small School Education with Confidence

From 14:00 until 17:00

At GK Bet-El

415 31st Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria. Parking available.

R200 per member school of the Pestalozzi Trust; R400 per school for non-members of the Trust.

Pestalozzi Trust / karin@pestalozzi.org

Karin van Oostrum from the Pestalozzi Trust discusses legal and some practical aspects of small schools:

  • What are the legal aspects of cottage schools and centres?
  • Teaching strategies for small schools.
  • Networking possibilities for small schools.                                                                                                                                                 

The Pestalozzi Trust has realised the need for the protection of small schools, and accordingly has been accepting applications for membership from small schools in recent years. The Trust encourages small schools to offer excellent education, in their learners’ best interests. The philosophy of many small schools is very similar to that of home schooling parents. Membership of the Trust covers the school, its personnel, the learners and their parents. The Trust offers its support to its small school members when their learners’ right to education and their teachers’ right to teach are infringed.     

Comments from previous attendees:

“I found it very informative and an eye opener as we are all in the same boat and passionate about teaching kiddies. …We feel more positive and less afraid and the day was very helpful.”

“Even though I’ve been teaching for a few years now, it was great to be reminded that there is no such thing as an average child, and that we need to keep that in mind when we run a learning center/cottage school. I also enjoyed meeting others and learning what their small schools offer and what their concerns are.”

“Valuable information was disseminated and we particularly enjoyed talking to other owners of small/cottage schools. It was good to network – something we haven’t been able to do before. As you so correctly said: we sometimes feel quite alone. Now we know we aren’t; there are a lot of other tiny schools like ours.”

Venue: GK Bet-El, 415 31st Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria.

Please bring along a notebook. Coffee and tea will be available.

Please book beforehand to ensure a place—limited places available. Two persons per school may attend.

Bookings close on 24/10/2019.

Please note: Only persons who booked will be notified of any changes or cancellations.

How to book:

Please complete the booking form. Then deposit your seminar fee, using your name and surname, as well as the date of the seminar, as a reference. Send the completed booking form together with the proof of payment to karin@pestalozzi.org. Account: Pestalozzi Trust, ABSA, 4048112677, Branch: 335545 (Hatfield), cheque account.

Further homeschooling and small schools events:  17-19/10/2019 Africa Home Education Indaba and Gauteng Expo; 1/11/2019 Pretoria (HE English);  9/11/2019 Durban Expo and Small Schools Workshop; 15/11/2019 Pretoria (HE Afrikaans).

Enquiries: karin@pestalozzi.org or 012 330 1337.


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